



 Young people shy away from face-to-face encounter

When Beijing university student Zhang Kunpeng started work as an intern at fashion magazine Marie Claire in the Chinese capital last year, it took him about a month before he asked his colleagues for the password to the office Wi-Fi, because he did not want to bother them.

He used to link his phone to an office computer each day to access the internet. However, at some point, this became too much trouble for him, so he summoned up the courage to ask a colleague for the password.

"I did not want to start a conversation with people I did not know well. I just wanted to sit there by myself and do the work," he said. The 21-year-old prefers to talk to his colleagues online, which makes him feel more at ease.
他说:“我不想和我不太熟悉的人说话,我只想一个人坐着工作。” 这位21岁的年轻人更喜欢在网上与同事交谈,这让他感觉更自在。

Like Zhang, an increasing number of young people are experiencing social anxiety disorders and feel at a loss when they have to interact with others in person, as they have become accustomed to holding such discussions online.

A recent China Youth Daily survey of 2,000 people in the 18 to 35 age group found that 26.7 percent of the respondents have difficulty with real-life social interaction, and 17 percent have problems with such interaction online.

Moreover, 20.5 percent said they have problems interacting with others online and offline. The survey also found that 40 percent of the respondents said they avoided social interaction.

The main reasons for young people steering clear of social interaction include facing too much pressure from daily life, a lack of social experience, courage and confidence, and only having a small social circle.

Chen Zhiyan, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Psychology, said people who say they have a social anxiety disorder are usually experiencing "a feeling" rather than a mental condition.

Social phobias and social anxiety disorders seriously affect the daily life and work of those who experience them, which is only a very small percentage, she said. Uncertainty about whether they can impress others is a constant source of anxiety for them, Chen added.

"This is a perfectly normal feeling, as we all want to be liked by others. However, we also need to realize that we cannot be liked by everyone all the time. Often, the way in which we perform does not determine whether we are liked or not. We just need to be ourselves," she said.



